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  Sunday, 02 June 2019
  5 Replies
  3.5K Visits
First post and a relative newcomer after converting from caravans late last year. We went on our first big trip down to France early May and ended up cutting it short by a few days due to a failed water pump so no domestic water. Reported it to the dealer and now accepted as a warranty claim but stating it would be August at the earliest before they could complete the repair. What a joke to be expected to lose a new motorhome for 2 1/2 months over the summer. Is this normal with dealers? Its not a big job to replace but thought it would be easy to let them do it as its still within the manufacturers warranty period. Depending on their answer I will get it sorted myself.

On another note what do people carry as critical spares, I now won't travel without a pump that I can swap if I have the same issues. The MH is only 6 months old.
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