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  Thursday, 04 October 2018
  7 Replies
  5.4K Visits
so I needed to re insure my old skoda Octavia that's been kicking around the family since 2004 all the while making every one insure it on there own policy, as my son wanted to use it for more than two years I used my no claims discount on the camper as before it was a policy with no no claims entitlement, all ok premium down a bit, so I then get a quote its ok for my needs send over the details of my NCD and pay up front full amount, only to be told they do not accept NCD send another equal amount of payment and start at zero NCD, which I did not and found an insurer that was happy to mirror the discount on the camper, result, so beware insurers do not all play by the same rules and even some of the biggest high street names are now only brokers not the insurer,
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Insurers are definitely NOT all equal...

Glad you found a solution.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
My insurance is sky high at the moment due end of month Adrian flux wanted 1500 caravan guard 900got quote 651but never heard them went back to caravan gaurd they dropped to 700 been with them 9years had 1claim my fault 2glass claims in 9years seams a lot
My insurance is sky high at the moment due end of month Adrian flux wanted 1500 caravan guard 900got quote 651but never heard them went back to caravan gaurd they dropped to 700 been with them 9years had 1claim my fault 2glass claims in 9years seams a lot

Don't know the circumstances but Adrian Flux sounds ridiculously high :( We were with Safeguard at around £500 for similar van....

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
My insurance is £300 including European breakdown cover.
£1500 is scary!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
as the insurance was sorted we headed for Cornwall, but after the engine faltered once we lost most of the power, we soldiered on thinking we could look later, but ground to a halt on the Charmouth bypass, rang the breakdown number did we want recovery or fixing, fixing if possible, first van says im not a mechanic, But he did notice a broken wire, off he went and a recovery truck was on its way, recovery truck was too small and with a beaver tail so angle of approach much too steep, so another truck on way, 4 1/2 hours waiting, recovery was hassle free and driver very pleasant, annoyed that while getting the van backwards through the gate with the help of the old skoda the recovery truck made his getaway and I did not get to say thanks, but I can sort that with a phone call and he is converting an old Bedford tk lorry as a camper and I have parts for those so I may be able to assist him in the future, our fiat ducato 03 plate fully comp uk /euro breakdown 9 years NCB less than £300 with the camping and caravan club care insurance, I will put the fault and cure on the auto-sleeper section, alan.
6 years ago
Hi Alan.

Sorry to hear your having so many problems.
However, if you get it sorted, I'm going to Cornwall in 2 weeks time.
If you wanted to try again, I have a tow rope! :o

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
When I bumped the van Neil I caught a wall with back end due to holes in the ground that bin waggen had made so the van lent over got it stuck panicked ripped it front to back cost 10grand that my fault had it 2 week windscreen cracked 5grand then another screen stone hit it because screen so expensive goes as a claim even though have protected them also moved house Manchester post code put it up 200poumds as well even though has alarm imboliser and a tracker but tracker not orthorised type fact I can turn feul off one insurance company said it's illegal do that well yes it is but least won't be driving anywhere hey idiots mate now got it to 700 with caravan gaurd think stay with them as they been good really
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