Friday, 04 May 2012
  5 Replies
  2.1K Visits
My husband and I are taking our motorhome over to France this year and have decided to travel using the shuttle. Any ideas of best place to stay in Folkstone the night before we travel??
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8 years ago
Hey thanks Guys! I think the advice to stay over the other side is good and we hadn't really thought of that. Will look into it. Just about to subscribe so I'll get access to your list of possible stop-overs!! :)
Thanks :) :)

Welcome again (as a subscriber this time :) )

Gerald's recommendation of Gravelines is a good one! It's one of our favourites and you'll find details of the Aire HERE

If we can help with anything else please shout ;)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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