We are staying at Ruda campsite in Croyde, North Devon, with the kids for 4 days of beach, swimming, maybe kayaks in the...
We are staying at Ruda campsite in Croyde, North Devon, with the kids for 4 days of beach, swimming, maybe kayaks in the surf and walking.
Its not often we are booked to a site or specific place and its been over a year since I last organised a Club Motorhome get together, so all welcome!
Aftrewards we are probably carrying on for another 9 days and maybe using one of the boats somewhere.
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    North Devon campsite meet up

    We are staying at Ruda campsite in Croyde, North Devon, with the kids for 4 days of beach, swimming, maybe kayaks in the surf and walking.
    Its not often we are booked to a site or specific place and its been over a year since I last organised a Club Motorhome get together, so all welcome!
    We are staying at Ruda campsite in Croyde, North Devon, with the kids for 4 days of beach, swimming, maybe kayaks in the surf and walking.
    Its not often we are booked to a site or specific place and its been over a year since I last organised a Club Motorhome get together, so all welcome!
    Aftrewards we are probably carrying on for another 9 days and maybe using one of the boats somewhere.
    9th Apr, 2017 - 13th Apr, 2017
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