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Espana Discovery

España Discovery

Based on the idea behind 'France Passion', this is a guide to Spanish local producers who will allow motorhomers to visit and stay overnight.

The España Discovery book is a compact size, running to about 200 pages. It's written in several languages including English and represents 8 years of input from its authors.

The principle behind the scheme is that visitors, who are members of España Discovery by buying the book, can produce the current guide to the hosts on arrival. This allows them to take advantage of a 24 hour (maximum) stay without charge or obligation. Users are expected to abide by the conduct guide within the book.

There are 145 hosts in this edition and these are spread across 8 Spanish regions. A key of symbols used for the type of host and any facilities available at each location make the information easy to understand. Types of host include bodegas, restaurants, oil mills and farms. Each host/location has its own page with summary information, access directions, GPS and usefully, an indication of language spoken - quite a few include English. Each coloured regional section starts with a map showing markers for the individual locations. Looking through the book we noted that it is important to pay attention to the access notes as some contain important information regarding restricted access times, a charge (which may include a tour or tasting) or even no overnight parking onsite - although the latter only relates to a handful of entries.

This review is based on having just received the guide and flicking through it. We will extend the writeup when we've used the guide 'for real' over the coming motorhome travels that we have in mind.

Our initial feelings about the book are very positive and it's clear that the authors have put a great deal of work into it. Our only less than positive initial comments would be that the markers are not numbered on the regional maps making it difficult to work out which location is which (although there are grid references for each location), and from a personal preference point of view, all GPS co-ordinates are in the degrees, minutes and seconds format rather than decimal degrees.

So overall, a big thumbs up!

It's a very useful addition to motorhomers wanting to experience some 'real' Spain locations. The book also comes with a handy map of the country showing many other stopovers - Aires, Camper Parks and so on.

Price 28€ including postage Buy your copy of España Discovery

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