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KUMA Magnetic Pole Mount

KUMA Magnetic Pole Mount

We review KUMA's MagPole

Advertised Features

Constructed of a high impact plastic shaft with a fully protected magnetic base. 450mm long but can be easily cut to a shorter length if required whilst retaining the full weatherproof functionality.

Product Features

Includes an ultra-strong magnetic base with rubber seal cover to protect paintwork Fully weatherproof and robust for use inside or outside. Completely rustproof. Multi purpose built for any of the following signs, portable equipment, aerials, flags or antennas.

450mm Height x 124mm diameter base

Wt 755g

Current price: (July 2021) £29.99


Simple but great idea for non-permanent mounting of wifi extenders or 4/5G directional or omnidirectional antennas. It means no hole drilling to the van!

This is basically a 450mm plastic pole that fits into a strong and heavy magnetic base which has a thin rubber coating to protect the surface it's mounted onto.

Before using this I used various sucker mounts but always found that a. the sucker would un-stick from time to time and b. the suckers would always leave a ring mark behind.

The magnetic pole is easy to assemble. The mast just plugs into the base and is held there with a small grub screw. You attach your aerial, usually, with a jubilee clip/ cable tie etc and plonk the lot on the van's roof. I let my connecting wire come into the van via one of the front door seals, but any window/rooflight would do, I use a front door as the van can still be locked securely if left. If you have a directional antenna then obviously it has to be reachable to change the orientation to face the network source.

The magnet is very strong so is unlikely to be affected by the weather and the whole thing is advertised as being fully weather proof.

For those owners who don't have a metal van to put it on then there is a metal plate (Sold Separately). This is Sikaflexed (other glues are available!) to the roof and acts as the antenna's metal baseplate for the magnet.

It's a great, but simple piece of kit. Takes up very little room when not in use and is not ridiculously priced either. At the time of writing Amazon have it listed at £29.99.


What's in the bag?

Magnetic base
Plastic pole
Grub screw

Our verdict

A simple idea that's also simple to use - watch the video

Gadget or necessity? Both, and highly recommended!

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