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Win a CoPilot motorhome/caravan satnav app

We have been contacted by ALK Technologies - the developer of CoPilot™ Sat Nav apps for smartphones and tablets, introducing an all-new app: CoPilot Caravan: a sat nav app that provides route planning and sat nav guidance designed specifically for caravan/motorhome drivers.

We have negotiated for TWO of these apps to give away to Club Motorhome members!

copilotAbout the App:

CoPilot Caravan key features:

- Premium quality maps of the whole of Europe (including UK) with details of height and weight-restricted roads

- Driver alerts to warn about upcoming hazards like sharp bends and cross winds

- Comprehensive pre-trip route planning

- Driver-friendly display to reduce distraction on long distance drives

- Less than 1/3 of the cost of a dedicated caravan/motorhome satnav device

- Fully offline navigation: as with all CoPilot sat nav apps, maps are stored offline on your device so there's no need for a mobile internet connection or expensive data roaming when driving abroad.

Price and Availability:

The app is available for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets immediately through Google Play and in the iTunes AppStore at an introductory 15% discount of £42.99 (will be £49.99).


The Competition:

All you have to do is help me make Club Motorhome even better!

Just email me with ONE suggestion for any of the following:

  • 1. Improve the website 
  • 2. To gain more members 
  • 3. To change/remove something that you don't think benefits the site/membership as it is.

Simple as that!

Each email received at will be logged and numbered in order of being received. Each number will be allocated to the submitting members username. At the end of the competition the winners will be chosen from those numbers by a random number generator.

Have more than one suggestion? Enter as many times as you like - just email each one separately to increase the amount of numbers allocated to you - thereby increasing your chances of winning!

Whether or not your suggestion is implemented makes no difference to whether you win. 


Only open to Full Members of Club Motorhome

No cash alternatives

Admin decision is final

Only one prize per winner

Closing date: 10th May 2016

ALL entries to be submitted to

So, get your thinking caps on and send in your suggestions

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