Evening all,
Just a quick up date, we finally returned to the UK yesterday from Fuerteventura after 10 day's steady travelling with the dogs.
The dogs were absolutely amazing, they behaved so well, as soon as I turned the key to start the motor home they all laid down and settled down for a kip bless them. No problems passing through passport control or immigration with them either, we were anticipating some hassle but nothing thank god.
I will say though that anyone thinking of going over to the Canary Islands with their dogs should think twice as the kennels if that's what you can call them were atrocious, they were nothing but cages. The original kennels we were allocated were filthy, they had dog poo in them and absolutely stunk. They said they would put our dogs in "The new kennels" these were nothing but cages on a cold semi open deck with all the refridgerated containers. Mollie our 14 1/2 yr old dog struggled to cope with the flights of metal stairs, I ended up carrying her as much as possible but she couldn't even stand on Sunday when we went down to check them at 7am and we left them at 1.30am...... we thought we would end up losing her but fortunately we managed to sort her out and get her walking again.
Anyway we are back in Yorkshire now, our 2 re-homed Fuerteventurian dogs had their first real walk to day on a grass field and they loved it, they are so inquisitive with everything.
We have photo's of our trip but Sue is strugglling getting them re-sized to put on here.
Glass of wine now and feet up......