By The Smiths on Sunday, 16 October 2016
Posted in Welcome!
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Hi All,

We've just joined as looking for ideas, help and inspiration as to what to buy as our 1st Motorhome.

We have a tick list, as everyone does and as it will be our home for a few years we need to get it right, as it will be an expensive mistake if we get it wrong

Our story - We have just put our house on the market as we want to retire early, downsize, buy a MH and tour Europe with our 4 dogs for a few years. So we need something big, comfortable but not a big gas guzzler. To get an idea of what we're looking at.... we like the look of the Swift Kontiki 679, Bessacarr 769, Autotrail Chieftain, Frankia 840bd, Burstner i821, Burstner Argos a747-2, Dethleffs Espirit A-7870-2.
We're thinking a LHD would be better as we will be doing virtually all continental driving, but then consider that it will probably be harder to sell on again later.
We want one with a fixed bed over a large garage preferably with a door from the garage, so we can utilise it as a bedroom for a couple of the dogs at night so it still feels like they are with us.
There seem to be so many European MH's that don't have proper kitchens/cookers, so we've picked ones that have good facilities.
As it will be a home from home we want a comfortable living space, so want more sofa like living area as opposed to a dinette and one sofa set up.
Would like a full length pull out awning to create more living space.
We've been looking at the site as there is alot more choice of what we're looking for on there, but not sure how easy it is to buy abroad?
We're looking for something not too old and up to £80k. Would push up to £100k for the total dream machine.

We will be scouring the site for help as it is all quite mind blowing and we really want to get it right

Thanks for reading
Michelle, Ian and pack
Hello Michelle Ian and Pack

Congratulations, I am sure you wont regret it.

I can certainly vouch for the Frankia, We have the i800BD 2.8 Fiat which I think is the older model. We have had the MH for 13 years now and just clocked 110k. It was our first motorhome purchase and as we still have it, we think we got it right. Out of interest we get on average 23 to the gallon. Any of those vans you suggest would probably fit the bill, however I like double floor motorhomes, they are warmer and with all your pipes and tanks inside they won't freeze up. Would definitely recommend refillable gas cylinders/ tank/ Left hand drive would make sense, I know one or two people who have imported and all has been OK with them.

It would be interesting to see your tick list. We travelled Europe for a year back in 2009 so would be happy answer any other questions if it would help.

8 years ago
0 Votes
What you have planned sounds a great adventure ... sorry I will be of no help ... I only have a small camper and not planning any trips to the continent at any time
But will be interested in hearing all about your travels and what Moho you eventually settle upon
8 years ago
0 Votes
It's worth getting a SOG for your toilet cassette - saves all the bother and expense fo chemicals.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Michelle,Ian and pack ?
We can vouch for the left hand drive being a good option and certainly didn't have any trouble selling on our last one a dethleff LHD.
We also like the site and have bought twice from there although not into your price range
With the pound/euro rate at the moment it would make it a bit more expensive so picking your time to buy is all important.
Last time I went over with my brother by plane hired a car and looked at a couple on my list before buying.
Easy from a dealer as he arranged export plates and insurance to drive it home.I used hifx to transfer the money across,got a good rate,it took 24 hours.
Although in saying that we drove down by car to Angers this year and brought one back via roscoff that was from the site as well.
Good luck and hope all works out for you.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks for the replies and help. We will keep searching for the right MH and hope the exchange rate gets better.
8 years ago
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