Thanks Neilmac and Jean, food for thought although I was already leaning towards the larger garage your comments seem to enforce the need, certainly with a longer duration away, I also plan to take kayaks although the weight bothers me, so I am looking at the inflatable options, I have never tried one out so I need to research them a little more.
In terms of planning Jean we have not done much, this has all come a bit sooner than we expected, I have had VW's before but have never experienced a larger motorhome, my dream was always to retire and just go travelling, with a vehicle that provided a permanent bed and a bit more comfort and see where I ended up.
When I met my present partner she got on board and we looked at how we could do it sooner, we planned to pay off the mortgages as quickly as possible, we bot have a house each, and once free of that expense rent out and live off the proceeds, I have had lodgers for a number of years as I was living in a 4 bed house alone, but someone suggested turning my house into a HMO, House of multiple occupation, after some research and a visit from someone who has a number of them we have decided to convert it into 6 bedrooms and rent out the lot individually.
After doing the sums I will actually be as well off as I am working! So our 4 year plan has suddenly become a 6 month one, we hope to have the house converted by the end of October, at which point we move into my partners house while we sit back for a few months and make sure everything is running OK with that, that time will be spent putting our lives in order, and doing all the things needed to enable us to undertake an extended travel period.
We have been to quite a few shows in the past couple of years looking, but have not got too serious due to the original timescales, but we wanted to be aware of what was available and get an idea on prices, the problem is my partner and I have different ideas on what our motorhome should look like, we are a bit like chalk and cheese, so it is not easy,I get that there will always be a compromise, it is just working out what things are essential and then work out the compromises around those.
So to be totally honest we don't have many firm plans around our trip, we did not want to go too far to start with as the motorhome will be new to us, so if we have problems and need things sorted we are not to far away, so we thought the summer travelling around Scotland, northern England and perhaps Ireland, then travelling somewhere warmer, my thoughts then would be heading back to northern Europe, Scandinavia perhaps? and just seeing where the road and our mood takes us, and who knows how long?
I would love to do New Zealand and Australia and America, my partner is not so keen, but once on the road that may change.
So it may be that your ahead of us in your plans, I may be able to learn a few things from your experiences? do you already have a motorhome? are you planning a long trip? there just seems so many things to do and think about.
Sorry, bit of a ramble there.