

  Monday, 21 March 2016
  1 Replies
  2.2K Visits
[left][/left] Hi you guys. Always had boats (and the odd caravan) mostly in Norfolk but found we were not using the boat enough to justify the costs. Just sold the boat and bought a motorhome and joined the club. I needed to get the motorhome insured and decided to try Saga which is local to me. The quote was for me only, no claims ever and fully comp. I was on the 'phone for 25 mins and the final quote................................£1493.00!! I told them what I thought and got a quote from the Insurance Factory (which I accepted) for £328.00 which included
breakdown and recovery and was placed through a well known and trusted Company. Just goes to show!
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8 years ago
Hi boatmedic and :welcome4:

I have had boats all my life too, I have 6.5 meter RIB at the moment and kayaks etc.

A few others here have boats too.

As for insurance, my van isn't a hugely expensive one but my insurance is £240 per year with European breakdown cover.
In fact it hasn't gone up by more than £5 in the last 4 years! But it is due for renewal soon.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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