By Bob.brind1 on Friday, 23 October 2015
Posted in Welcome!
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Hi, We are Bob and Pauline and on Wednesday of next week we will be picking our very first home up. Such an exciting time for us. Our first trip is to do round Britain's coast Line before we venture overseas. Hopefully we will be able to chat with some of you, and learn from your experiences. B & P x
Hi Bob and Pauline :welcome1:

If we can help with any information please just ask on these forums :thumbs:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi and :welcome4: to clubmotorhome, quite an ambitious first trip you have planned. Why not try overnight on the dealers or sellers car park first to get to understand how the heating, water heating, lights, hook up, water system including filling and emptying (winter not far away now and need to know how to drain your tanks water heater and taps). If you have a TV you will need to know how that tunes in as well. Then there is the toilet to understand, cleaning and chemical additives. Hope you can see the benefit of having someone nearby to ask on these matters, of course you could just wing it like most of us do but I wish I had taken my own advice with some of the vans we have owned.
Still nice to hear that you have ambitions to get out there and wear some rubber away rather than let your tyres pass there use by date in your driveway.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hello and welcome :welcome1:

I still remember the day we picked up our motorhome, 11 years ago, and we still have it with 100,000 miles on the clock. We were so excited with loads of plans in our head.

There are lots of things to think about and get wrong, but don't worry we have all been there. Those mishaps will make great stories to chat and laugh about when you meet up with fellow motorhomers. Remember, it's all about the journey as well as the destination.

Good luck

Spinner & Mrs Spinner of course.
8 years ago
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You will never regret it! Best of luck with your travels.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Don't forget to empty your toilet when we got our first van I forgot and it was so heavy I couldn't lift it
8 years ago
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