Sunday, 01 March 2015
  3 Replies
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B) Hi we are Paul, Jane and willow the dog. We have been motor homing for about 12 years and love it. we do not do abroad but stick to uk. we originally had a Bedford bambi and spent 9 good years with the owners club and made lots of true friends, 2 years ago we decided to move on up and bought ourselves a 1999 lunar roadster on a Peugeot boxer chassis, we still meet up with our mates and recently joined the MCC and have been to a few of there rallies which we enjoyed and hope to do many more this year.
I am 62 and drive a minibus for a special school handling children who have been excluded from mainstream education, my wife also works in education as a technician in the art dept. at Weston college ( I wont disclose her age ).We live in Weston super mare in Somerset. Due to work we usually can only get away at weekends or school hols but we make the best of it.
Hope to see some of you lovely people on the road sometimes. Happy Camping. ;)
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8 years ago
Hello and Welcome :welcome1:

It crossed my mind if when you are out in your motorhome you wave at other motorhomers and if you do, do you find yourself waving when driving the minibus?

Enjoy Club Motorhome :cheer:



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