By Motorhomedreamer on Friday, 01 November 2013
Posted in Welcome!
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Hi all,

Just a quick intro. 50something from N Wales, semi-retired, leading a generally non-productive life. :laugh:

Started Motorhoming earlier this year, just me, the other half and Muttley the Dog. We love our van and as I write this we are sat in a very wet, windy site at Barmouth….But who cares, its the freedom that counts.

So far we've only travelled around the UK, next year we may spread our wings and dip our toes in the Channel.

We make full use of social media tools, especially Twitter, which is how we connected with neilmac a few months ago. Twitter is a very underused tool within the MH community, but fantastic once you get its measure. I've also been blogging on our van and travels since Feb 13. So far i'm actually managing to keep it up to date. Look forward to interacting with you all.
Hello and welcome
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hello Motorhomedreamer and :welcome1:

You're right about Twitter

Look forward to hearing of your adventures...
8 years ago
0 Votes
Go South, young man!

Over or under the Channel would be great idea for next year to find countries that actually like people who drive around in Motorhomes.

Don't forget Muttleys passport, the sooner you get it the better, and welcome to the life on the open road.

I like the blog – keep on posting. – have the sound on and enjoy the fact that there are other drivers whose driving skills could be a bit better.
8 years ago
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