Friday, 01 November 2013
  3 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Hello everyone, my wife and I have recently bought a 1995 Peugeot Boxer 2.5td Holdsworth Fantasia. A small enough van, but adequate for the two of us, and two small dogs. We live in North Wales which has wonderful scenery, but we intend to see more both in the UK and near continent. I have questions regarding locating European camp sites and communication - Smart phone/tablet whatever, but perhaps this introduction is not the place to ask.
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:welcome4: to without doubt the friendliest and most informal motorhome forum and website. You will find past posts on most subjects and a wealth of stopovers in the UK and near continent.
Your choice of website name really gives away your intentions, you will find the motorhome community by and large have itchy feet when it comes to setting up awning and larder tents. Most lead very much a touch and go existence, at least on the continent, using the excellent Aires and Stelplaz areas to overnight for a couple of nights and move on when the area has been explored. My advice would be stop part time retirement and start full time enjoyment with your motorhome travels. Look out for the cheap ferry deals from the motorhome shows where DFDS have a stand.

Has freedom to travel

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