

  Sunday, 20 October 2013
  2 Replies
  1.5K Visits
:thumbs: Hi, I'm Sharon and I have recently decided that I want to buy a motorhome and get around as much of the british countryside as I can. I have never participated in any kind of club activity before but changes to my personal life have catapolted me into a whole new way of thinking so here I go!! I love being outdoors, I love space, fresh air, sunshine, and winter strangely enough! I would appreciate anyone's advice on the most suitable motorhome to buy as I am clueless. I have a crazy dog who will be my travel companion and would like to be able to accomodate at least 1 friend on some of the trips so I'm thinking a 2/3 berth? One of my favourite places is South Shropshire just bordering Wales. I prefer mountainous country to pretty or flat, rugged all the way:-) If you think you could offer friendship/guidance in my new life quest it'd be great to hear from you.
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8 years ago
Hi Ronnie
I agree with what Neil says. We spent nearly 12 months looking at vans before we decided on one that suited us.
I notice that you enjoy the winter season. If you are thinking of using a motorhome in winter then another consideration might be that you choose a 'winterised' model. These vans are better insulated and will be much warmer.
Good luck
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