Monday, 02 September 2013
  9 Replies
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Hi - We have just registered on this site. Our names are Tom and Pat and we are a retired couple from Australia. We bought a Bailey Unicorn Barcelona in 2011 and spent 6 months touring the UK. In 2012 we toured Ireland and UK for 4 months and this year have just spent 4 months touring around Belgium, Germany and Austria. After many a "near miss" this year and having people on site take photo's of our van (more than once)we have realised that this size of van is neither practical or usual in this part of Europe. In fact it was almost embarrassing at times!

So we have made a decision to down size to a compact motorhome. We are looking at purchasing a Bessacarr E462 shortly. We are very excited about the freedom this will give us compared to the caravan and also less stress we hope!! Also we are looking forward experiencing the "wild camping".

We have loved the experiences we have had over the last 3 years and are looking forward to many more but with a little less stress and more freedom.
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8 years ago
Hi Ian - We only went to Brugges and Ghent in Belgium and spent most of our time in Germany. We preferred Brugges to Ghent. Both are lovely but Brugges is a bit smaller and prettier. We absolutely loved Germany. It is so clean and the history is well preserved. There is a "wow" around every corner! I will put together some of our favourite places in the UK and Europe over the next few days. Hope this will be of help to you.

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