Saturday, 31 August 2013
  10 Replies
  3.2K Visits
Hi, my name is Stephen, I hired a 7 berth motorhome in August 2013 and toured Europe with my wife and 4 kids. We enjoyed it so much that we now plan to buy one but it will probably be late next year or early 2015.
As someone who likes to be prepared I've started by joining you guys on here as well as already looking for the right type of motorhome that will suit us.
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8 years ago
Welcome! :welcome4: Like you, we hired (twice) and after the second time decided "we have to have one"!

We have just done a 7600 mile trip round northern Europe, which many people, mostly non-motorhomers, think is an incredible mileage; actually average 91 miles a day, of which aout 500 were done in two day when we decided it was time to return. 5000 mls in two weeks is going some, but you did have a 'purpose'. We spent time in Poland and loved it - we'll be going back.

When you are doing your 'looking', remember to look at payload. You cannot assume that becasue a motorhome has 'x' number of berths that it will take all those people and their 'stuff'. Good liuck with your search :thumbs:
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