By Duchess on Monday, 29 July 2013
Posted in Welcome!
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Hi, we're Kate and Steve from Hampshire and we've just bought our first motorhome, a Bessecarr E540. We're not total newbies to camping, although we maybe a little rusty, but new to the forums anyway. Due to the dealer being incredibly busy, we're not able to collect 'Bessie' until the 12th August, but we're busy planning our first trip somewhere for the bank holiday weekend (Suffolk/Norfolk possibly). Queue the rain!

Now being a gal that falls into the high maintenance bracket, I'm not too sure how I am going to take to this 'roughing it' malarky, but the prospect of mini-breaks and holidays at the drop of the hat was too good an opportunity to miss. Good job there is a fridge for my wine. :silly:
A warm :welcome4: to you both. Do let us know how you get on with your first trip out, it is a distant memory for us but the excitement never leaves you.
Lots of info on the site but just ask if you need an answer to something not covered.
Feel free to comment on any posts that you can help others with, if you do that is the forum working at it's best.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi kate and steve, and :welcome2: :welcome4:
I also have a high maintenance other half but when camping she has no problems at all,its all about relaxing and taking it easy.3 weeks this year without having her hair done Different story back home though. :laugh:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Now being a gal that falls into the high maintenance bracket, I'm not too sure how I am going to take to this 'roughing it' malarky......

:welcome1: Kate and Steve

I doubt that you'll find that you will be 'roughing it' as such - hope you have a great first trip :thumbs:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Welcome fellow Hampshirian (or whatever we are) :welcome3: :welcome1: As said, dib in and ask if there's anyhing you needto know - here will always be something to learn
8 years ago
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