Saturday, 06 July 2013
  2 Replies
  2.1K Visits
HI. Just thought i'd say hello, and tell you a bit about us. Me, my wife Jo and two kids have been thinking about a motor home for about a year. We are going to do a self build and have just bought a citroen relay van (xlwb),now the fun!!? starts.
The reason to self build is that we want it to be our daily family transport with 5 seats, our work van, wife does art with kids in schools and wants too use it for that and I am a decorator. And of course to go on trips.
It may not end up the neatest camper but its going to be fun.
look forward to reading posts on the site.

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8 years ago
:welcome4: to the Club.

How exciting, wish you well with your project.

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