Wednesday, 29 May 2013
  4 Replies
  3.6K Visits

I have started an e-petition on the governments website calling for a British Aires type system in the uk making the uk more motorhome friendly. I have also asked that councils raise their height barriers on car parks enabling motorhome to park.

I would be most grateful if as many people as possible could sign my petition. I know there have been other petitions set up along the same lines but I believe in being pro-active in order to get as many signatures as possible as to reach 100,000 is going to be tough. I have also contacted my local MEP asking for his help to contact motorhome groups across to Europe as they maybe more willing to visit our country if we are more welcoming.
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8 years ago
Had a look 128 signatures ended 25/5/13,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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