By Kathyneric on Friday, 23 November 2012
Posted in Welcome!
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Hi all,just thought we would introduce ourselves to you all.
my name is eric and my wife is kathy we live in doncaster and have a vw autosleeper clubman gl.
Dont really know what else to say so bye for now.
Hi Eric and Kathy and welcome to the forum.
Have you finished Inspecting or is it an ongoing thing?
Lots of good things going on here, well worth a look at or even a close inspection, have a look back through some of the past posts to catch up.
If you do need any advice at anytime try to include as much information as possible, i.e. Makes, model numbers.
If you have anything to pass on regarding places you have found either good or bad we are all ears. :welcome4:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi traveller,thanks for the reply and yes i am still inspecting, i inspect motorhomes for MH companies that are taking in motorhomes on a PX basis checking the condition and value its a lot of driving but i meet some nice people when i am out and i enjoy it.
It would suit you looking at your name. :lol:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Eric & Kathy :welcome1:

I have just PX'ed my Elddis Autoquest180 for a Rapido 924F at Fuller Leisure somybe you saw it. Hope we meet on travels

Barry :thumbs:
8 years ago
0 Votes
:welcome2: to theinspector! I hope we pass your scrutiny B)

Sounds a very interesting job. Did your interest in motorhomes come first or did the job take you into the world of motorhomes?
8 years ago
0 Votes

A very warm welcome Eric & Kathy.

Sounds like you have a great job

8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Neil,years ago when kathy and i where pups and we had 2 other puppies to bring up we where always skint so as well as my regular job i worked for a local motorhome/caravan company at the weekends cleaning and valeting them.
As time passed this progressed to checking them out and doing repairs as well as collecting and delivering them.
I was paid monthly for this job,at the end of one month the boss told me that because of cash flow problems he would pay me at the end of the following month.
Yes you guessed it i didn't get paid but because i had been with him for six years he gave me an old MH he had taken in PX for nothing just before the company folded i got it on the road and kept it for a few years and have had one ever since.
I then carried on with my normal job but also checking out motorhomes for other people untill i was 55 when i was offered work doing what i do now by another MH company so i took early retirement and jumped at the offer.
You really would not beleive some of the out of the way places i have been sent to look at them.
I know i am going a bit too long but will just tell you all this one,I was sent to glen coe in scotland a couple years ago and kathy came with me the MH was at a small cottage in the middle of nowhere just before we arrived the snow was really heavy we where snowed in for 3 days there was no room in the cottage so we had to live in the MH freezing our little bits off.Kathy has never been with me since.
cant think why?
best wishes
8 years ago
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