By on Friday, 02 November 2012
Posted in Welcome!
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Although I have a reversing camera fitted to my Motorhome, I have just had a rear view hard wired camera fitted

I hate it when I am touring when I cannot see my towed car in the rear view mirrors, I only see it when I am going round corners or roundabouts. The fact I cannot see the car has a mental affect on me I am always waiting on the next roundabout or corner and sometimes this can be after many many miles

Am I the only one with these insecure thoughts or do others have similar thoughts

Also when you set off you know for a fact that the car is secured on the A frame or trailer but i still feel i have to stop once or twice to doubly check. It's like leaving your house and locking the door when you go touring, when you get half way down the path you go back and double check, I bet a lot of people do that

Happy motorhoming

No you're completely normal :laugh:
I couldn't drive now without my rear view camera. All good drivers spend nearly as much time looking back as forwards :thumbs:
8 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks Andy

Although I have, as yet, not driven the motorhome with the rear view camera fitted I am certainly looking forward to it

Thanks for your comments

Kindest regards

Harry Clarke
8 years ago
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