Saturday, 14 May 2011
  7 Replies
  4.3K Visits
Following on from the Ereader/Kindle thread is there going to be a mobile version of this website?

It would be really useful when browsing stopovers when away in the motorhome B)
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8 years ago
Hi BettyB, I'm not sure about the capabilities of the Touch, mine is the older 3G keyboard kindle.

But basically any mobile device that can access the internet can use Club Motorhome and its features. Our installed software automatically detects the device that is being used and displays the pages accordingly. There is also an option at the bottom of each page to revert to the standard view if that's prefered.

Although I have it working the mobile facility is still a work in progress so any feedback is welcome :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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