By Frank60 on Thursday, 07 June 2012
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Trying to set up a blog,apart from page constantly droping connection,I can see a message TinyMCE editor that is incompatible with IE9. Fix it here: should i be loading this .help to get started please
Hi Frank60

This is Neil's jurisdiction and I'm sure he'll get back to you and sort it out as soon as he can.

I'll email him as well.

I'm going to do a BLOG - having returned from 8 weeks travelling around France/Spain so will see if I have the same problem as I use IE. Neil has mentioned to me that Google Chrome is much better and quicker than IE so I'll give it a try later.

8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Frank

If you've a minute have a look at this

Two members have recently asked why they can't always see the maps we display on our UK Pub Stopover pages. Well, having done some research, and with one of the members changing their browser - it is an Internet Explorer issue with Google Maps (which we use). The remedies to the problem are explained here.

The other remedy that is even easier is to install a different (and internet standard compliant) browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for example, there are many to choose from and they're free!

If you haven't done this sort of thing before it is very easy and you do not need to get rid of Internet Explorer - you can use whichever browser you have installed on your machine at any time. You can even copy (import) all your bookmarks into the new browser too.

A search on the internet along the lines of 'advantages of Internet Explorer' will result in numerous pages actually criticising the browser. Although it's very popular (maybe because it is the browser that most new computers come with pre-installed?) it causes many issues with very many websites.

You can get Google Chrome downloaded by visiting here and following the instructions and you can get Mozilla Firefox here
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Frank, I've not come across this problem before but have now had a search around and it does seem to be yet another Internet Explorer issue :roll:

I may be able to upgrade the editor (the bit you type into) so leave it with me and I'll report back, or download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and use one as your browser instead, they are (IMO) much better and free!
8 years ago
0 Votes
Trying to set up a blog,apart from page constantly droping connection,I can see a message TinyMCE editor that is incompatible with IE9. Fix it here: should i be loading this .help to get started please

Hi again Frank60,

As mentioned I will investigate an upgrade to the editor screen but in the meantime apparently it may be possible to continue with IE9 by switching it to 'Compatability View' (the little broken-page symbol to the right of the address bar). Seems crazy that this has to be done to get the latest IE9 to work properly when other browsers do the job perfectly but hey-ho good old Microsoft.

Seriously though, there are numerous reported problems with Internet Explorer and often the easiest way to improve your web browsing is to download another browser - they're free and don't require IE to be removed or replaced on your computer. Apologies if you already know this :unsure: .

Google Chrome download

Mozilla Firefox download

There are several others but I have had good experience with these two.
8 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks Neil downloaded Google Chrome much better,now started a blog of last trip,never done this before ,can you view before I publish dont want to look an idiot ,can I add pictures to blog!!!!

Thanks again Frank
8 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Frank,

I'm very pleased Chrome makes things better for you! B)

Yes, you can put photos into your blog, but they have to be hosted online so that you can get the 'url address' to insert the photo into your text. This sounds more complicated than it is - you can set yourself up with a free account with, for example, and upload your pictures to there.

Once uploaded to Photobucket you will see a link to each picture below it, just copy this and come back to Club Motorhome and paste it into the blog browser window that pops up when you click on the 'insert/edit image' button - you can also adjust the image size (don't go wider than 600px).

And, yes there is a preview button at top right of the blog page.

Whatever you do don't worry about how it will turn out, if you need help with editing or deleting just shout :thumbs:

Good luck with it!
8 years ago
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