Saturday, 09 April 2022
  1 Replies
  3.2K Visits
UK/EU Pet Passports are now defunct, having been replaced by the the new post-Brexit Animal Health Certificate (AHC) requirements. My query is do I need a seperate AHC for each country I might visit on a motorhome trip eg landing in France and travelling through Germany, Italy, Spain etc, or does the one AHC cover all EU countries for the duration of the trip?
Pets are all micro-chipped and vaccinated, so my query is only about the AHC requirements?
Gov website seem to imply you only need one AHC for up to 5 pets for a multi-country EU touring trip, as long as your get back to UK within 4 months. You'll then need a new AHC for future trips.
Our vet seemed to think you need an AHC for each country your going to visit during the trip, which seems at odds to Gov advice?
Any help/confirmation of requiremnets would be very welcome.
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Hi Chris, hopefully someone will reply with personal experience but as far as I'm aware your AHC is required for entry into EU from a non-EU country.

Once you are in EU (France) I don't think you will face further checks within the EU.

This is quite a good site for info

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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