Hi All
Been a member for a couple of years but not posted anything before, just read information and stories. Does anyone know what food stuff you CAN take to the EU, such as dried pasta, rice, jar of coffee, baked beans ketchup etc. I know you can now buy a lot of British favourites in France etc but why when we have a cupboard full at home. My wife is Chinese and likes to cook a lot of her own food so that means oriental spices and soy sauce. Any insight would be most appreciated.
Been a member for a couple of years but not posted anything before, just read information and stories. Does anyone know what food stuff you CAN take to the EU, such as dried pasta, rice, jar of coffee, baked beans ketchup etc. I know you can now buy a lot of British favourites in France etc but why when we have a cupboard full at home. My wife is Chinese and likes to cook a lot of her own food so that means oriental spices and soy sauce. Any insight would be most appreciated.