By scammellmanswife on Monday, 28 May 2012
Posted in Leisure Interests
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I am interested to know why there are no comments regarding, what i consider, some excellent photos on this web site. There have been thousands of people looking at them but no comments not everyone can be thick like me and not worked out how to do it yet!!
Hi Hilary and thanks for bringing this up

The software that is used to display members photographs in the galleries has been installed because it has a lot of features to make the best of the way the photos can be displayed - the downside however is that it has very complicated configuration settings to make it all work properly.

However thanks to you bringing it to my attention I've made some changes today that now allow comments to be left (there was nowhere to make comments before :blush: ).

I've had to do away with the 'lightbox' style of presentation but when the individual photo is now viewed there are sections for the picture's description, an opportunity to 'rate' it and a comment box.

So no excuses now! Go ahead and make your comments and hopefully that will encourage others to do the same .
8 years ago
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Thanks Neil you are clever! I have tried it out on Mandy and Andys photo because it was that one that got me thinking and Yes i think it has been successful and it will keep me happy for hours ha ha Seriously tho i hope it will create lots of interaction from other members.
8 years ago
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