By Vanmanme on Monday, 12 March 2018
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I'm interested in the opinions of those of you who have travelled regularly to southern Spain for the winter, on whether the long drive through France as opposed to the long (ish) ferry from Portsmouth to Santander, is a matter of time saved versus money saved or just potentially poor weather driving vs poor sailing conditions. I have spent the last few winters renting apartments but this comming year we are taking the van, I'm not particularly interested in the joys of driving through France in December so I'd like to pass through as relatively quickly as possible without the additional expense of tolls and campsites so it would be low cost Aires or wild camping to enable a longer stay/spend in spain, on the other hand would the more expensive/quicker to spain ferry option for a 7m van and 2 people with the potential for a rough 24ish hour sea crossing be a better option?
I'm not expecting people to tell me what to do ,I'm interested in what the more experienced travellers have learned,
Thanks in advance to all who take time to read these ramblings and more so to anyone who answers.
We usually use aires in France, no matter when we go. I hate planning.
I haven't driven to Spain for 25 years or so, however when we last went to France 2 years ago, I did price it up, we were heading towards Spain.
I worked out that diving both ways worked out about half the cost of the ferry, however we never got to Spain and only got halfway down France and spent 3 weeks there.

I would always drive but then I love France and didn't particularly enjoy Spain, but that's just me.
I have driven from Perpignan on the Med to Caen in one day before, so it can be done, but sitting with your feet up in a ships cabin is easier obviously.

I know Spinner is on the Portsmouth to Bilbao ferry now, so he will know more and I'm sure he will reply to this thread at some point.
6 years ago
0 Votes
We've done both... Probably wouldn't choose the ferry again unless there was a guarantee of a smooth crossing..... The last time we did it was during a Force Something-or-other and we seriously thought we might not make it! I'm not exaggerating when I say that the waves were crashing over the front of the ship's bridge, it was almost impossible to keep a drink in its glass and our cabin window (on the 5th deck up) was in and out of the water!

We were amazed when we spoke to another family who had come on a 'minicruise'! Bilbao and back with about 40 minutes ashore in Bilbao

Compared to a nice steady drive through the beautiful French countryside stopping off at some lovely Aires on the way (even in December most Aires are open and many that make a charge for water don't turn their taps off) there's no contest

However if time is a pressure then its the boat and keep everything crossed
6 years ago
0 Votes

I live in Northern France and have been to Spain and Portugal a couple of times in the last year;. while cannot comment on the ferry option personally, hve heard many horror stories of the bad weather in the winter to mkae me htink that the drvie through France is a better and more comfortable option.

as said before, many aire du camping cars are open throughout the year and driving through France over a couple of days is, to me, more relaxing and enjoyabe than being seasick on a 24 hoiur ferry boat crossing! At least in your camping car, it will be easier keeping your beer in the glass! However, it depends on what you want; just ot get to Spain quickly or not.

as an aside, we are moving to Southern France soon so will be facing this dillemma in reverse! I strongly suspect we will opt for the driving up to Normandy as opposed to the long ferry crossing form Northern Spain.
6 years ago
0 Votes
With the risk of taking the thread slightly off topic, where abouts in northern France are you bkw141?

My in laws are in the Mayenne area not far from the Brittany border and been there 25 years now.
6 years ago
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I've travelled both channel and Bay of Biscay routes many times when working as an hgv driver,and now as a motorhome.If travelling to Spain in the winter,I usually use Brittany ferries Channel routes, but to be honest on a pure price basis there is very little difference between that and the Spanish route,and weather in northern Spain can be just as inclement as France.It comes down to personal preference and how good a sailor you are,25 hours on a boat can seem like a very long time if you're feeling seasick.Depending on your home location and where you're travelling,there are plenty of options including the tunnel and Northsea routes and all of them are price comparative.At least with a motorhome we have the choice of parking up in bad weather and riding out the storm.
6 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Tom1

currently in Lille area. However, in middle of stressy move to Toulon area.moving further away from Brittany border unfortunately.
6 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Tom1

currently in Lille area. However, in middle of stressy move to Toulon area.moving further away from Brittany border unfortunately.

My in laws have been trying to sell for over 2 years to come back but nobody is interested!

I have never been to Toulon area yet but we are having a month in France in the summer, don't know where we will end up though.
6 years ago
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I often use Brittany Ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff,overnight crossing and only40 miles from my home near Exeter,I can usually reach Leucate or Narbonne in a (long) days drive and then head into NE Spain the following day,total cost £190 for 7M van and about £195 for fuel and tolls,Plymouth/Portsmouth to Santander is usually £400 ish so little difference in price and unless staying in N.Spain you still have 8 hours drive to the Costas.I have Brittany Account and toll tags so save a little time and money travelling overland,
6 years ago
0 Votes
After being tossed around in a force 9 Gale on Monday I would say drive it. Just starting to feel human again;)

6 years ago
0 Votes
After being tossed around in a force 9 Gale on Monday I would say drive it. Just starting to feel human again;)


Glad your ok Spinner.
I once tried to go from Poole to Gurnsey to watch powerboat racing.
After 9 hours we could still see the isle of Wight and the boat had to turn round but by going around the isle of Wight because it was running out of fuel and had to turn a little at the time, so the waves didn't roll it over when turning.
It was lovely, not!

Eurosprinter £400 sounds cheap.
Portsmouth to Caen is £650 For me!
That's why this year I'm going via the tunnel for the first time.
6 years ago
0 Votes
Tom My van runs at 7M plus bike rack,I've got acc.with Brittany Ferries so get 30% reduction.Just priced Plymouth-Roscoff around £380 inc cabins,return .Having done the trip to Dover from here in Devon many hundreds of times when I was working,I try and avoid it these days.Frequent traveller ticket with Eurotunnell at £400 for 10 off peak crossings is a good deal.Luckily I can travel outside the busy periods and make the choice of crossings easier.On a side note we were in Exmouth today,swing boats and roundabout being erected,Ist sign of summer! but no further news of motorhome restrictions,if I hear any news Ill keep you posted,good news the height restriction barrier on the estuary slipway is still open
6 years ago
0 Votes
we are planning to stop in Exmouth again on good Friday, prob arriving late on the Thursday night, as usual.
The council told me the motorhome parking will be up and running for this season.
Perhaps they are behind schedule as expected!

My van is 7m with the bike rack and also get this discount with Brittany with my in laws account.
But with my kids at school we are tied to peak times, so that's where the difference is.
We usually go from Portsmouth as it's only 45 minutes or so drive from home.
But giving the tunnel a go this summer because it's £450 cheaper!
6 years ago
0 Votes
Tom,I used the tunnel a lot when I was working,found it a lot better and quicker than ferries from Dover.Quite price competitive and saved me from having to eat anytging in Truck drivers lounge on ferry! I'm still at home until after Easter,so Ill keep an eye out for You at Exmouth!
6 years ago
0 Votes
After being tossed around in a force 9 Gale on Monday I would say drive it. Just starting to feel human again;)


Oh dear! Not nice! We have been very lucky so far but have taken the crossing October at latest .... will think twice before booking a winter crossing now . Hope the next few days makes up for the rotten crossing and it is all a distant memory before long
6 years ago
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Feeling much better, thanks. Quite windy with strong gusts here in San Javier:o

Where are you two?
6 years ago
0 Votes
We much prefer the ferry to driving through pricey France. We use this route once sometimes twice a year to return to Portugal.

The knack for bumpy crossings is to look out to the horizon to stop the sickness.

The roads in Spain are excellent and mostly free.
6 years ago
0 Votes
I have only ever paid one toll in France.
But then again I don't use the motorways. Too busy being nosey at the town's and villages
6 years ago
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