By Robsmith on Tuesday, 03 January 2017
Posted in Motorhome chat
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Hi Folks and a Happy New Year,

Any views please on Satellite Dish -v- Satellite Dome. I have technophobia so no technical chat please. I have a dish on my current MH which works fine when I eventually get it pointed in the right direction. I went out just before xmas and did a walk through a dealers shop (as one does). I was looking for toilet fluid and came out with a newer MH. Big surprise for Mrs S and an even bigger one having a Christmas Tree surgically removed. This folks is normal practice for me as when I once went out for a caravan step and came back with a new caravan. Guess Mrs S will have to wait for that new kitchen.

Anyway, your views would be appreciated, I'm just after a system for the newish MH other than the aerial that is currently fitted. I wanting to get Eastenders on sharpish to keep Mrs S happy.

Kind regards

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