By 24263329 on Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Posted in Meets and Rallies
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Are there any that are in the Yorkshire area, if so could you please send me the dates and location of these and who I would need to contact, so that I could book.

Hi Steve, whilst Clubmotorhome has a very active set of travelers it does not have a strong rallying group that regularly meet up as many others do. If you or any other members are intending to visit particular places or events, drop the details onto the site and hey presto you have the makings of a 'Meet Up'. Six vans and members are presently in Morocco on an Informal Tour which came off the back of a meet up in Spain earlier in the year. If any of you know an area or would just like to share their experience of travelling an area then let us all know when and where and if others can make it they will. Informal is the way to go, if you want rules, rules and more rules the two major land based clubs will fulfill you dreams. If you like freedom and respect others stick with the meet ups, you may like having your dog off the lead or need to park close to your mates.
8 years ago
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