Sunday, 21 October 2012
  5 Replies
  4.9K Visits
We are off to the Isle of Skye at the end of this week for a few days. Nothing is booked (as usual). Has anyone got any thoughts on where to stay. Our VW has the usual facilities, ie. bog in a bag etc., but who cares we are too old to start worrying now. Any recommendations gratefully received as I may need to give Jackie a couple of names to blame, as I have told her it may be nice weather and is a good idea for a trip. Thanks in advance.. Brian
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Good digging Neil. I'm sure that the Welsh ones and the English are probably not compliant with the relevant legislation. I particularly liked the reference to the fact that they were erected in the 90s in response to an appeal from Councillors to support local businesses and encourage the use of official camp sites. Good old local councilors they do like to keep a few fingers in the pies.

Has freedom to travel

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