
Thank you

  Friday, 22 January 2021
  5 Replies
  4.5K Visits
I sent this out today as a newsletter but thought I'd post it here as it relates to you as Club Motorhome members :D

In these current times when there's very little opportunity to do what we all love, which is getting out and about in our motorhomes...

I would just like to say a big personal thank you to all members who renew their annual subscriptions, both manually and automatically, to Club Motorhome. It really means a lot to have your continued support. Also a big thank you to new members too who are clearly full of optimism for the near future and their own travel possibilities.

All our members that financially support Club Motorhome by way of subscription are helping the website survive during this pandemic. Club Motorhome is basically a small business and like so many others still has its bills to pay. Those of you who have been with us a while will know that it is just us, NEILMAC and caromac, that own the business.

Running such a website is no small deal financially, there're hosting, software, hardware and even accountants bills to be paid (the list goes on and on) even though we're not really able to turn a wheel and go stopover hunting to add more great stuff to the site.

So far from being a 'pleading poverty' type newsletter this really is just a THANK YOU to those who support us!

And finally...

Club Motorhome has always been a 'members' club, providing a place for motorhomers to interact with each other, plan trips, post information for the benefit of others. You'll know that our stopover information is a hugely useful planning resource. etc etc.

But apart from the financial aspects referred to above we would really like your support by posting on our forums, timeline, sharing useful videos you've found. We all seem to have plenty of time now to search out useful information to share.

You won't be subjected to abuse like that seen in many social media groups, just appreciation of your valuable input.

Take care of yourselves and we hope to see you on the website soon.

Neil & Caroline

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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4 years ago
It's the best group I've been on can have a chat nobody takes the pee out of you mainly my spelling lol I'm dislexic so on Facebook always get grief well appart from tom haha that just tom for you he does make me laugh though always get great tips off neil when abroad always a massive help that so yes definitely best informative group on here I like seeing where people have been and photos sadly last year been so hard for all not been on much as we havent been anywhere I'd like to offer anyone in this group haveing vehicle issues if they are local to me and need there motorhome plugging in to a computer either for fault codes or re setting service light after they have changed there own filters and oil I will happily do it for free I have full up to date computers for most vehicles I have oe bag com for vws I'm not looking for work I'm retired as my health not great just like to offer this for Neil's club as goodwill thing I live in machester area have to inbox me on here I will come to you or could come to me plug innfor you this would cost anything from 30 pounds to 70 pounds at the dealers and this will be free can give advise on how to fix had garage 18 years I'm fairly knowledgeable I also do auto electrical like I say not touting for work not looking for payment just trying save Neil's customer some money so if in Manchester wigan Bolton preston Blackpool you need help get in touch see what we can do to help you
4 years ago
Also forgot to mention when I'm in france or spain my tools and laptops come with me helped few folk out you never no if your near me when I'm away would always come try help someone off here I dont come on every day but if you message neil he can get in touch with me
4 years ago
CM is a wonderful creation.
As NEILMAC will probably remember (even though he might not because he is getting old now)
Before I joined I emailed around a few clubs, websites and forums and Neil replied instantly and gave me free access for a day to CM to look round.
Some others didn't even reply!

Both Neil and Caro are lovely people and that shows in CM and in everything they do, I count them as friends and not just people who operate a website.

Yes Neil needs driving lessons on how to get a motorhome on and off my driveway without digging bits out the road with his fat rear end, however every time I look at the road, even now, I smile to myself and think of him.

Anyway I'm getting soppy now, CM is great and definitely well worth supporting and if it needs extra support, just ask!

But always remember I'm only here because of NEILMAC, so if I annoy anyone, it's all his fault, but no annoyance is ment I assure you all :p

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

Thanks for the replies and various supportive messages and emails I've received from recipients of the newsletter :)

Shame a couple of recipients chose to report it as 'abuse' (spam) and others complained as in 'why should they pay for something they can't use when sites are shut' FFS

But as the saying goes... you can't please all of the people all of the time.....

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

4 years ago
Yes that is a shame to hear NEILMAC.

Mind you CM doesn't have anything to do with sites really anyway, so for me them being closed makes no difference to what CM has to offer.

Your great, CM is great. (Full stop)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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