Thursday, 31 December 2020
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A couple of years ago I had problems with my Fiat 2999cc 2008 engine with many fault codes appearing, my local garage eventually diagnosed the Throttle Control Valve.

They ordered a new part and when it arrived it was the wrong one so they decided to restore the old one saying they couldn't find the correct part to replace it.

They stripped it and found it almost seized after years of rain water dripping on it from the windscreen gutter (a common fault with Fiats). Any way they cleaned it all up and refitted saying no guarantees but it has cleared the problem for now.

After a couple more years of fault codes coming up and always seeming to stem from the Throttle Control Valve I decided to have a look myself, thinking if I can remove it, I should be able to identify it with any part numbers or pictures of these parts on the the internet.

After an hour of dismantling the front of my beloved motorhome I had the part off and indoors with the lap top open, low and behold there on eBay was a picture of the TCV which look exactly the same as mine.

After looking for part numbers on the old one and finding some almost unidentifiable numbers and with the help of a magnifying glass found that the eBay item was the exact replacement original part, only problem it was in Germany and it was the 22nd December so I ordered the part and am now waiting for it to be dispatched and delivered by the 22nd January.

After looking further the electrical part of the TCV is made by the same company selling the item on eBay. Hopefully this Will be the end of these fault codes until the next problem arises!
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