By Nigwill on Saturday, 26 March 2022
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Hi All
Been a member for a couple of years but not posted anything before, just read information and stories. Does anyone know what food stuff you CAN take to the EU, such as dried pasta, rice, jar of coffee, baked beans ketchup etc. I know you can now buy a lot of British favourites in France etc but why when we have a cupboard full at home. My wife is Chinese and likes to cook a lot of her own food so that means oriental spices and soy sauce. Any insight would be most appreciated.
Hi Nigwill, anything that is not dairy or meat based basically... and plants which might spread soil disease.

In real life I think all is as before for personal consumption. As far as I'm aware there are no searches of motorhome fridges and cupboards. Even if there were and you were carrying something against the rules/law you may get it confiscated. Never heard or read of it happening other than some ham sandwiches that the media jumped on when it was a new situation.

Personally I will carry whatever I normally would and 'risk' having it confiscated by an over enthusiastic customs officer.

Officially I wouldn't advise anyone to break the rules

Pretty sure sauces and things are not restricted unless they are meat or dairy based.
2 years ago
0 Votes
We are taking our normal supplies and if the decide to confiscate then that’s ok.I have yet to hear any personnel food stuffs being rejected or any vans searched.

I will definitely be taking burgers and milk that’s for sure!
2 years ago
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We have been back and forth since Brexit and customs officers have been in the van but never interested in food stuffs. As Neil says, take what you usually would and can afford to have confiscated in the highly unlikely event someone checks your fridge. Don’t worry, enjoy your travels, and lucky you having your own Chinese cook on board!
2 years ago
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Thanks for the replies. We will take a few items but I like going round French hypermarkets and street markets anyway.
2 years ago
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I've been crossing every week for the last 2 1/2 years in a HGV through various different ports.

I've never been asked about what food I'm carrying, and i have had full cab searches a number of times.
2 years ago
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