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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.
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Campsite Wardens - Busy, busy, busy!

Our first work tasks have been to help get the seasonal parts of the site into top condition for the start of the main holiday period which starts this May bank holiday weekend. Preparations have included lots of extra cleaning of toilet, shower and kitchen facilities.

Today we've moved up a gear incorporating grass strimming and pool accessory cleaning - at this point we are well on schedule for the mass influx of campers at the weekend.

Cleaned, mown and strimmed

Recreation area - the quiet before the storm!

caromac cleaning the sun loungers

Well, we're ready! Smile

But its not just all work as we've had lots of free time to explore the local beaches and to find our local pub which is about a mile away - and a very nice (dog friendly) pub it is too The Barley Sheaf in Gorran Churchtown

So, three days in and it seems like we have been here for ages. The management and staff are very friendly and pretty laid back too considering the build up to the busy period.

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Campsite Wardens - One week in......
Adventure before Dementia

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